Search, save and compare every vehicle at car auctions, dealers and classifieds websites

Search 100’s of website in one app
Find Your Perfect Vehicle At Car Auctions at The Best Price
GAUK car auction search feeds are pure and organic. You set custom search rules, GAUK provides the data. You make the best decisions from your shortlisted auction results

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Better Prices Backed By Better Data
We make sure you get the best deal at car auctions. Data from hundreds of websites is easily curated in My Garage
World’s largest source of vehicle information
Buying a Car at Auction? Stats and descriptions for every make and model
MOTORPEDIA brings you the most beautiful and comprehensive source of vehicle information and build data on the planet. Probably every vehicle manufacturer from around the world with almost every model ever built.
Ready for investors and collectors
Rare and Classic Cars at Auction From Across The Country
The classic car market has out performed traditional investments over recent years. At car auctions you’ll discover barn finds to concourse, trailer queens. Custom search feeds and alerts ensure you have the best chance to track down that perfect ride.

GAUK has developed powerful aggregation software that is monitored by real, live humans and only sources clean data.
Search ALL vehicles coming up for auction at the country’s leading sale rooms.
Each day we gather up-to-the-minute information from multiple car classifieds websites across the internet
Search, save and compare car dealer vehicles across the entire UK.

Always reliable
“The GAUK Motors app has been a gift. I used to waste hours a day searching different sites and monitoring emails. Now I just set up a search and I’m done”

Joel Marchant
Car Dealer
Easy to use
“I used the free service for a while and it wasn’t until I upgraded that I realised just what a fantastic app you’ve built. I’m a customer for life.”
Great Company
“Hey GAUK. Awesome app. I use it on a daily basis and just bought my first classic car … an EType Jag of all things”

Well done!
“I never usually write reviews but after watching GAUK grow I just wanted to say well done and keep up the great work”

Jane Cavanah
Sales Assistant
Not what I expected!
“There a lot os sites out there promising great things. It was so refreshing to find that you guys actually delivered on all that marketing hype. Cool!”
Looking forward to it
“The GAUK Motors Newsletter is the only one I look forward to seeing drop into my inbox”
What they’re saying
The Best Experience
GAUK has consistently delivered quality information. Thousands of vehicles from hundreds of websites making your perfect ride … easier to find.